Floodplain Ordinance
The Floodplain Ordinance is to ensure that all persons, i.e. home owners, contractors, partnerships, businesses, and corporations comply with requirements or provisions necessary to obtain a permit for development, construction, relocation of any building or structure in the floodplain area.
*FEMA Regulations
Information on FEMA regulations in regard to property location in the floodplain and/or doing any type of construction can be obtained in the Planning Office.
*For a copy of the ordinance, visit our Ordinances page
Building Safety Ordinance
The Building Safety Ordinance is to the regulate the removal/clean-up of an accumulation of refuse or debris, overgrown vegetation, toxic spillage or toxic seepage on private lands which is deemed to be unsafe, unsanitary, dangerous or detrimental to the public safety or welfare as a result of natural or manmade force or effect.
Complaint forms are obtained in the Planning Commission Office. After completing the form, the complainant will submit the form to the Mineral County Building Safety Agency, 150 Armstrong Street, Keyser, WV 26726 for review.
*For a copy of the ordinance, visit our Ordinances page
Zoning Regulations
Mineral County does not have general zoning regulations in effect. The only business ordinance in effect regulates the location of establishments offering exotic entertainment.
A business acquiring a liquor license with the State of West Virginia, which is not situate within a municipality, can obtain a letter from the Planning Commission stating that the County does not have any zoning regulations to be submitted with their liquor license application.
Comprehensive Plan
Planning is a key factor in the development of any community. In designing a plan, Mineral County recognizes the importance of using past history, experiences of other communities, professional expertise, and the desires of its residents in developing goals for the future.
The Plan was developed in 2010 and can be viewed in it's entirety by clicking below.