Find Your Records Online!
As of March 20, 2018, the Mineral County Clerk's Office Indexing is now live on the web. Any of the records you can look up on the public terminal, you can now look up at your office or home computer.

Document Recording and Preservation
The County Clerk’s Office records and maintains County records such as: deeds, leases, right of ways, plats, wills, deed of trusts, mortgages, releases, judgments, liens, abstracts, assignments, oath of office, power of attorneys, church trustees, bonds and DD-214- Military discharge.
To find your online records listed above, click on the button below and select "Mineral County" to begin your search.

Vital Records
Record vital records: births, deaths and marriages. We issue marriages license for those getting married in West Virginia, marriage certificates for those that applied for a license in Mineral County, birth certificates if born in Mineral County and death certificates for those whom passed away in Mineral County.
Currently, you are able to review birth, death and marriage certificates at the link below. the year range for each are as follows:
Mineral County Births - 1865 to 1942
Mineral County Deaths - 1865 to 1967
Mineral County Marriages - 1866 to 1969
To find your online records listed above, click on the button below to begin your search.